Battle Cry of Beleaguered Humans Worldwide

How many times I have said I Want To Stay Home, and how many times have I heard others say the same thing!!

Yes, I love to travel when I do it, but mainly I LOVE to stay home, riding our horses, puttering in the garden, enjoying friends on FaceBook, working from home. What a Blessing!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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  • Click HERE to find out How SIMPLY REDIRECTING SPENDING and CHANGING BRANDS can help each of us Stay Home ((*:*))

In the beginning of my primary business, one had to have an office and an inventory, whether it was in a home or a rented office space. Since I had always lived way out in the boonies, an office at home where people would come get their products was out of the question....

Thankfully, early on that company started offering ''drop shipping'' to leaders for their members and customers. I immediately started using that option for my out of town folks, but waited a couple of years to jump in and do it for the locals. When I finally did, WHAT FREEDOM!!!! I want to stay home, and this option allowed that!

With the Internet we can reach globally!
Or across the street!

Finally the world of computers and the internet caught up with everyone, and now it's an entirely new ballgame, and more fun than ever!!! AND if you want to stay home, it CAN happen!

I wanted time to ride horses, work on movies, and do things that needed TIME to do, and a work schedule that was mine and mine alone! I wanted and needed to be the CEO of my own company, AND I want to stay home!

Photo Left..Annie & Rhett on the set of Las Vegas New Mexico 1875. Photo Right...Annie with Kevan Costner, Kristina Hagman and young Kaya on the set of Wyatt Earp.

A Few Simple Steps To
Guarantee Success

I have been in my primary business since 1973; first as a consumer, and then as a serious business builder starting in 1975. I have loved it all, but have recently been frustrated --- where are all those great folks who, like I was, looking for something to bring HOPE to the world?? Something to do that would significantly change our home, our neighborhood and our planet... Healthy People, Healthy Home, Healthy Finances, Healthy Planet!!!

What would be the very best way to help others who Want To Stay Home, and yet make significant income, and even have Financial Freedom!!! In this time of layoffs, downsizing, and entire companies -- even very old, established ones -- disappearing; I knew I could offer the HOPE that each of us is looking for!


Join FaceBook

Many of you are already on FaceBook, but if not, this is a fabulous way to ''join the party'' and meet friends old & new!

Please Join Me as aFriend on Facebook! I can recommend some terrific groups to join there which will help advance your knowledge of intenet business. We are having SO much FUN!!!!!


Start A Blog

Please visit MY BLOG on blogspot, which is very user friendly, a great place to begin your own blog! Be sure to add lots of photos, people love pics and really enjoy seeing what's up!


Squidoo is totally FREE and a very fun way to build webpages. Any subject, not just ''business'' stuff. Family and fun and activities!!


Should you want to become serious about a fabulous website, where you can learn SO much -- almost like taking a Graduate Course in Web building, then be sure to go to the SBI, Solo Build It, homepage! This is where I have built most of my webpages, and then transferred some to Squidoo. Many amazing features that make even beginners look like Pros!!!!!! YES, there was a huge learning curve the first week or so, but it sure has become easy to do, and SO MUCH FUN!


GO FOR IT!!!! Many things on the internet are FREE, and offer some excellent returns. Some things will cost a little money each month. INVEST IN YOUR LIFE & YOUR FUTURE!!! You'll be shouting from the housetop I found the way to fulfill my passion -- I Want To Stay Home!

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