Site Build It --- something that REALLY does work!!
I wanted to share with you how I built Everyone and anyone can build a great webpage that people will see and value....
A fabulous Web Building Site that can be used for SEO MAGIC, or ANY web building you can think of!!! IF Grab YOUR Site Build It HERE {you can pay by the month OR by the year}
I have built some little webpages in the past, through my AOL service (which no longer hosts websites), but there were no real guidelines for building traffic etc. My primary AOL one was built in 1997 and has, to date, 6719 hits. My SBI site is 5 months old (I started early 2008) and has, to date, 16,681 hits. WOW!!!
SBI!-built-and-managed sites have an unmatched track record. They are in the Top 3% of all Web sites in the world!!! 35% are in TOP 1%; 53% in TOP 2%, 62% in TOP 3%, WOW!!
And since my beloved MLM company is going into 50 countries in the next 5 years, I needed a way to reach the people who are looking for what I have to offer.... What better way to reach them than on the world wide web? You can reach a lot of people on the web--IF you know how.
Unfortunately, most people--including me, back then--don't know how. For the great majority of web masters, their focus is on putting up a pretty--sometimes flashy--site. And many of them are excellent at doing just this. They use FrontPage, Dreamweaver, and other quality software to create some very fancy pages.
When I first started my SBI website, I knew NOTHING about HTML codes, colors etc. and my pages were pretty plain and boring. I did a Google search and found a fabulous site for not only Simple, Easy HTML, but also Fabulous Custom Colors! I'm having a blast!!!
Get Traffic Racing To Your Site!

Problem is, so many web pages get little or no traffic. It's like having a modern and beautiful billboard in the middle of the desert. It's beautiful, alright, but hardly anyone sees it.
HUGE BONUS---SBI continually monitors Links, and sends ''dead link'' reports so you can immediately fix them!!! AND each page is ANALYZED by the SBI super-computers so that everything is just right for the ''spiders'' who are looking for all the right stuff!! Try doing THAT by yourself!
Yet, there are sites on the web--even some with simple, plain vanilla gorilla design--that get a lot of traffic. What's the reason? A fancy design by itself won't normally attract traffic. You attract traffic with lots of well-constructed, quality, keyword-focused content pages that please your visitors--and the search engines (spiders).
So, exactly how do you construct quality, keyword-focused, visitor pleasing, search-engine friendly content pages? I certainly didn't know, until....
SBI is the brainchild of Dr. Ken Evoy, MD, a respected--and respectable--Canadian emergency room physician (an ER doc, no less!) who has a passion for web commerce. On a world-wide web filled with hucksters, Dr. Ken is the real deal. He knows his stuff.
SBI hosts this web site, but to call Dr. Ken's company a simple web host would be to seriously understate what they do. Ken says he wants to OVERdeliver on his customers' expectations. And does he ever do that. As a matter of fact, he even OVERdelivers on his promise to OVERdeliver.
SBI!-built-and-managed sites have an unmatched track record. They are in the Top 3% of all Web sites in the world.
In the beginning, I knew NOTHING about HTML, but what Solo Build It gave me was blocks and the ease to make pages; I do the content and photos and links, and Solo Build It does the rest! I tell everyone that this is like taking a College Graduate course, and boy is it fun!! NOW I am learning some HTML, and it's more fun than ever!
If you want your own web site, I am pleased to personally recommend them to you. For $300 a year, not only do they host your site & maintain your domain name, but also help you understand how to get the click with good quality content; THEY analyze every page and guide you to make it the best.
so visit this site and hear all about it!!!! BONUS BONUS- it's only $29/month for all of the amazing percs!!! OR you can pay for one year at a time, should that be your preference :-)
Site Build It --- SBI