
The following information is directly quoted from the LINK BELOW. It is meant to be educational only...... this herb is an important ingredient in the cleansing herbs for the MOST IMPORTANT equine colic cure that I have used with 99.9999% success since 1977.


Senna is a stimulating and powerful purgative that promotes the vigorous evacuation of the bowels and is very helpful in relieving severe constipation or when an easily-passed stool is recommended after rectal surgery or prior to a colonoscopy.

Botanical: Sennae folium Family: Leguminosae (legume)

Other common names: Cassia S., S. Leaf, Alexandrian S., Egyptian S., Ringworm Bush, East Indian S., Nubian S., Rajavriksha

It is a smallish, stubby shrub with an erect, smooth, pale green stem and long, spreading branches, bearing lanceolate leaflets and small yellow flowers; and depending upon the geographic location, the plant may grow anywhere from two to six feet.

It is a native of Africa, the Middle East (particularly Egypt and Sudan) and India, and it was first brought into medicinal use by the ninth-century Arabian physicians, Serapion and Sesue, who gave it its Arabic name and employed it as a purgative. The Cassia acutifolia plant (also called S. alexandrina or Cassia s.) was exported from Egypt, via Cairo and the Red Sea, and Cassia angustifolia from India, via Madras; and by 1640, it was cultivated and being utilized in England for its cathartic properties.

Beneficial Uses:It is an effective and potent purgative with its action being chiefly on the lower bowel. The anthraquinones stimulate the bowel and increase the peristaltic movements of the colon by its local action upon the intestinal wall, leading to evacuation in approximately ten hours. The herb has been recommended for people who require a soft, easily-passed stool, especially when following rectal surgery or preparing for a colonoscopy). This active purgative principle (a glycoside) was discovered in 1866.

As a vermifuge, it has been used to destroy and expel worms and parasites from the intestinal tract, possibly due to the herb's powerful laxative action.

By cleansing the colon, it may have positive results in improving skin afflictions (pimples, acne, etc.) and helping in cases of obesity.

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